Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rest In Peace Dear Fesya

Got shocked by Ayu’s tweet which is telling me that Feisya, one of my elementary school friends died this morning caused by accident on Tol Jagorawi.

I know nothing about bereavement except from the fact that it always comes to us as a surprise. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know.

This is probably the second time I'm posting about bereavement of someone who literally I love. I never knew, I will never know weather soon or later I'm gonna posting this kind of writing again, still I really wish it wouldn't happen sooner. None knows about death but Izrail. Izrail is the master of a certain thing called death which is always be a mystery for all of us.

RIP Feisya. God Bless You.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Suprise in Store For Me

June, 22nd 2010

Last nite, Hendri suddenly texted me. We were continuing texting afterward until we reached at the point when I was hungry for a cake. He made a promise to give me a cake the next day.

In the end, he asked me to sit next to me. He promised he wouldn't make fun of me and Bayu anymore and fulfilled his promise. Until he came to the idea where we finally went to school together.

It really happened. This morning, he waited for me at C'wealth MRT station and we went to school together. It was still early until Hendri took me to another way to school. I was really surprised when he actually took me to stop by to Starbucks.

He got me a slice of New York Cheese Cake and Coffe Latte.
We were having there. That was a surprise in store for me.

So, there we were, talking a lot each other and finally sitting together in class.
And I got a strong feeling that he gets a feeling for me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010



You know, I never imagined that I could perfectly do ALL of my houseworks.
All of your Houseworks?
Yeah, ALL of my houseworks
No, you mean laundry, ironing sweeping, moping the floor, cooking and stuff?
Yes, those like what EXACTLY you've said! I know, that's unbelievably awesome indeed.

I never used to do these all stuff by myself, FYI. I mean, in my hometown Jakarta I have my clothes washed and ironed. I have my room cleaned even sometimes I cleaned it by myself but I could say it so rarely happened.

but now.. after I moved here and live alone. I get used to do that stuffs all by my self. Start from laundry (you must have known how bad I was in the first time I did it), ironing (for heaven's sake, ironing is one of those tiring things that I've ever done), sweep and moping floor (it's not too bad, though) moreover cooking (this one is my favorite even now I know it's lil bit tiring as well).

and today, I've nearly done what I've been said above. yeah, most likely all of them. I've done that in one day. ehm, nope. actually I'm starting to work on it from yesterday. laundry, drying clothes and preparing my cooking then be continued today. could you imagine? I my self never think I could be that multitasking! I should be thank to my mom and dad, for making me being so independent. I believe it will be so worthy in the future and plus, losing my weight. :)

oh, I'm so exhausted likewise sleepy. I just finished ironing my clothes, it's 3 am in the morning FYI. and tomorrow i'll be wrapping up in my assignments. Also, I'm intending to make writings about Father's Day. sounds like hectic..

I need my breath taking.
seems like everything, everything is in a rush.
I need my baby sleep.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

" I believe in karma, what you give is what you get returned"

Dear, Ex of mine - My junior - Mrs. Scary toothed.

Do you still remember the time when you mocked and stabbed me in my face?
Do you still remember the words that came out of your fucking mouth saying that I have no friends?
Do you still remember messages that you sent to my ex when he was literally mine saying how meaningful he was in your life while you dumped him away prior?

I am somehow 100% sure you do still remember things I mentioned above.

I heard you are being abandoned by your closest friends
Oh.. I anyhow would really love to congratulate you on it

Why? because it blew me up :)

look young lady..
watch out your fucking mouth another time
mind your words in case you will eat them up someday
because.. karma does really exist, my baby
and you currently get into it
I put mercy on you.

tell me, how does it feel?


ps: I'm wishful thinking of you read this. and oh! your fruitfulness means nothing for me.

We Deserve Better

No matter how powerful and real your feelings may be for someone, if that person cannot fully and honestly return them and therefore actively love you back, these feelings mean nothing.

Being lonely, being alone, for many people, sucks.
I get it, I get it, I get it.
But still I have to say that yes, my belief is that being with somebody who makes you feel shitty or doesn’t honor the person you are is worse.
Life is hard enough as it is without choosing someone difficult to share it with.
You deserve to be with someone who is nice to you all the time.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Room Is Being Renovated!

I asked my hostmom to paint my room, and Uncle is doing it today. YAY! It’s gonna be painted with pink color and later I’ll put many photos on the wall.

I'm inspired by this picts :

I will be going to IKEA soon, need some necessities to be bought there. FYI, I’m decorating my room with my own savings, that’s why I’m so delighted. I’ll be uploading the picture of my room soon, when everything has been perfectly done :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Am I a dreamer? I really am. Ehm, I am exactly not only a dreamer. I love fantasize something, I have too many fantasies and yes I always want the impossible.

Then, what is related to things above?

I once tweeted
"one of my biggest dream is to own a bakery shop. cupcakes, pancakes, and ice cream. I wish I can make it *fingercrossed"

Then, I promptly got a reply

" RT @anneketamara kok sama siah ?RT @syafirazein: one of my biggest dream is to own a bakery shop. cupcakes, pancakes, and ice cream. I wish I can make it "

and after that, I sent feedback :

@anneketamara may be we were born to make it true. HELL YEAH, BAKERY IN NEW YORK MOMMA!"

Yes, Anneke Tamara or who is usually being called with Mamak Ketol has the same aim with me!

I knew it! Me and my dear friend, Anneke Chairunisa do have many things in common. Some of them are that we're wishful thinking of living in New York together, be bedfellow, traveling to every part of the globe, having tattoo and to own a little cake shop in NY. However, We somehow always put our own interests ahead of the last one, to have a cake shop.
We love cakes and (we think) we good at baking. HAHA.

We both are silly, indeed. Too crazy and too genius. We do really want to make it our dream into real. Draw of it, after took forever, we finally decided to make one of our dreams comes alive (on facebook). Tonight is official launching of our new cake shop, Cantaloupe.

You might laugh if you know how the way we picked the name. We did again shameful-but genius-thing to get the name. The simple rule, we just need to hold an English dictionary, open it up randomly and telling the word that we have firstly seen. One word goes.. Two words.. (as I rember, some of the words that came up were rebellious, Islam, etc) until finally I got an unique name, Cantaloupe which written as "n. a small round melon with orange flesh". Due the explaination is related to fruit which is also realted to food, I told this to Keke and she agreed to pick it as our cake shop name.

So yeah, finally the name of our cake shop is Cantaloupe. However, later on, I realised what exactly cantaloupe is. In Bahasa, cantaloupe means BLEWAH and Keke directly laughed out load when she's been told.

Whatever, we don't care. It might mean Blewah in Bahasa but it surely sounds cute in English afterall. We still pick it, Cantaloupe.

I promptly made an photo album on my Fb titled Canaloupe which the photos are all cakes, pancakes, ice cream and all tasteful food. I seemed so enjoy uploading over 100 photos!

So yeah, Cantaloupe has open. One of my dream has (not) been real (yet).

Cantaloupe delight you with cakes that are beautiful to see and delicious to eat. We pride ourselves on creating unique cakes to mark special milestones and holidays as well as the everyday.

What could be more fun than cupcakes, pancakes and ice cream?

Indulge your self at Cantaloupe!

Lovey Love

Belated Splendid Birthday Presents

I have never ever expected before that I would be given many presents from all my friends in Spore. Never. Even just thinking of it was such a dare for me. Turns out, something is really more splendid when least expected.

My host family which I really love, surprisingly gave me a superb bday presents.

Here they are, three lovely things which are each are from Yani, Fika and Hakim.
I feel so blessed. Oh god, I was touched. I do love them much, too much.

I've actually have opened them, but I asked Yani to wrap it again. I wanna keep them like this way, they are just way too cute <3. class="status-body">we already got the name for the Momma bear, it is Sapphire. Fika picked it as my name is Syafira. Lovely? Yes it is.

As my gratitude of what I've been given, Fika Yani and I played monopoly til midnight and it really was very very fun!

Another later days, when I hit the Cathay, Sue Kak Nor and Kak Ryan actually have already prepared bday presents for me.
Again, I might say, I'M FOND THEM.

I really am so blessed. Thank God for everything you've been given me. For a lovely family, for adorable friends and for super terrific life.

Love Love


Due date : 6 June 2010

If you want to know something about me, maybe I will offer you one statement. I - am - a - super - HUGE - fan - of - Sex & The City (you may see it on my another back days posting).

So.. FINALLY Sue, Kak Nor, Kak Ryan and I hit the cinema for watching the sexiest man alive, Carrie Bradshaw and Friends! YAY!
and how was it? it was.. was.. how do I say it, was.. was.. well I think words won’t do. It was pretty decent. everything seemed so awesomely amazing. I even can remember every single dialogue that they said. Also, I can’t stand the dresses and the shoes. lovely!

I love the part, when they all sang "I Am A Woman" on stage and ended up Samantha sang alone to tell Richard about their table. It was pretty funny. ( wow, I even remember every single scene that shown up!). I couldn’t get enough, once is obviously not enough. I will be watching this movie one more time!

and oh, I found this earlier at Popular. Thinking of buying it soon!

Lovey Love

Thursday, June 10, 2010

are we dating?

Due date : Saturday, May 29th 2010.

Haw well, I can't believe that God heard and granted my pray. wait, pray? no, my tweet.
What? Tweet? The story started with my tweet on the last day of march. In twitterland, we usually do #monthwishes as a hash tag, there we write down our wishes that we really really wish to be happened in the the upcoming month.

And yeah, I did the same thing. bear in mind that I tweeted "I'm going to bed, I hope I can meet a prince in the beginning of April <3". Three days afterward, when I was going to Jakarta for term break, I met a guy who is actually a ticket server in Lion Air office. The ticket had been reserved by phone, I just need to take it in office. When I got there, turned out the office was unattended, none but that guy. After got some complicated drama, I finally succeed to get there. I got my turn. That guy was really nervous, he looked at my eyes deeply, so deep and up to become so twitchy. He repeatedly asked me to have a sit while thereI either was going to sit down! After that awkward moment, we had rambling chit - chit and ended up exchanged number. HAHA, but he certainly asked me first. I came home and we lost contact. I once sent him a message, asking about what he's up to and he sent me message on my birthday. He made a promise to have belated bday celebration and I did too. I promise that he would be the person who will know about my arrival in Spore.

Briefly, the promise has been fulfilled. He was the first person who knew about my arrival. I sent him a text and he said he was so touched reading my text. sounds exaggerated? I think so. HAHA. Turns out, at the same night, he promptly asked me to have a meeting. I had no plan at the moment and I also missed walking around in Singapore so without hesitation I accepted his invitation. We made appointment to meet at City Hall. I had no idea where to go, so finally he decided to go to Orchard, he wanted to have dinner there. Yeah, ayam penyet! HAHAHAHA. There, he never stop making much of compliment of me. He said that I was cute, he loves my eyes, he loves my hair which are so thick and black and yeah, I knew he really meant it. haha.

After having dinner, I thought I would go straightly home but again he asked me to take me around. The night was still young at that moment, I did not mind to come late though so I decided to accept his will. What a surprise, that nite we walked down from Orchard to nowhere (he said just walked into the wind blow) on foot! He never stop talking along the way. Talking about his family, his ex, his friends and so often came across many of his friends by chance as if he was so famous in Spore. He sometimes made fun of me, we made jokes but mostly he talked about himself. To be honest, I didnt pay attention of what he said, I way too enjoyed seeing the downtown beacuse I was so in love the vibe and I hate talkative guy instead. Until unciously we reached Arab Street. Oh my goodness, I walked down from Orchard to Arab street on foot which at the moment I wore my wedges? Yes, that unbelievably happened to me and that awaken me about HOW SMALL SINGAPORE IS!

Surprisingly, for the umpteenth time, he asked me to meet his friends in Arab Street. (oh well, the "LANE" tragedy happened. shitty, I detest that moment. wicked!) and yeah, I finally met his friends. They were half-blood Indonesian man named Syaff and a couple who is married. to be honest, I was really scared and nervous at that moment but thankfully all went smoothly.

However, do you know what happened next? Beyond my expectation Shah told his friends that I was his dating. don't you think it's so WOW? I do think so as I would never think he would doing such that thing on the first day that actually we knew one another!

Briefly, when he finally sent me home, I encouraged myself to make conversation.

Me : "Shah, are we dating?"
Him : " Let we see, If I keep calling you the next days, that means we're dating"

and there was we going, later on he called me routinely. Time passed by until the day when he didn't call me for two days. He's gone without any stable. When it happened, I never stop checking my phone, had a look at it whether there's a message or missed call or not. Turned out, no one. By all means, I somehow felt like I missed here.

Furthermore, when he's gone, I tried to convince my self what exactly I feel about him. Yes, I don't like him because he's way too talkative. I really hate talkative guy. Another reason is because he tends to show off what he's own. He told me what brand he wears, where he usually buy clothes and the bla and the bla and I hate it. For me, don't necessary to tell me about that as first, he's a man; second, I REALLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT.

However, when I surely knew what I feel about him, why I feel kinda like missing him when he wasn't around? It strangely happened to me, guys.. It became SO real.

Turns out, after the day he disappeared for three days, he contacted me again, asked me to have dinner together. on that day, for some reason I immediately was so sure that I did not like him. so in short, I did not reply his sms as my rejection of him. From then, we never get connected again.

I can only hope that he can understand it all. hopefully this is the best for me and certainly also for himself. I'm also crossing fingers that I can get a much better person than him as I believe God has been always hearing my pray.

Feel Strangely


Wow, it's been forever since the last time I posted something here. I feel so sorry for abandoning my blog since I got a lot of things to be juggled. However, I also got an excess things to be shared with you all.

Let's start from school. Yes, the school has just started after the term break. How thing happened beyond my prediction is also really really amazed me. Firstly, my class moved to Tanjong Pagar. Yes, further than before but thank god the neighborhood is pretty much awesome. so peaceful, neat and I feel so luxurious as Starbucks and Hot Bakes surround the building. What make this so special is, there's a red-colored builiding which stood steadily and always been so eye catching. I will upload the photo soon.

How about the class itself? I'M FOND IT!
The class contents about 15 students, I'm not so sure how much exactly they are.
They come from worldwide, from many part of this globe. They are Irina from Canada, Bayu, Andi and Hendri from Indonesia (count me!), Paul from Malaysia, Sisi and Kia from China, Palamati from India, Nalaka from Srilanka, Kitty from Vietnam, Bruce and Joyce from South Korea, Noroul from Maldives and last but not least, Tracy from Philiphines. Tracy is my closest friend thus far.

Well actually there's a new student came yesterday. I don't know her much but I might telling about her later. The only thing that I know is that she's Indonesian. So yeah, class is dominated by Indonesia. How about teacher? My vice teacher is so damn lovely! She's smart, so friendly and the most important thing is I feel so kindly accepted by her. Her name Mrs. Pallavi comes from Bombay. YES! She's Indian.

So far, the class goes very very well. I didn't find any distraction and I'm crossing finger it will go continue slightly in the future. We are so close to each other, sometimes we made fun of another student but not to take it too serious. And what to be noted, I feel so comfort having them around. anyhow new class is always nice because you meet new person, new vibe and enhance your knowledge about every part of the world by having many foreign friends.

Is there any else to be told? I think It's enough for now. The sun is still coming out in the future, so the new story will surely come up.

See ya around, sugar!

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