Thursday, June 10, 2010

are we dating?

Due date : Saturday, May 29th 2010.

Haw well, I can't believe that God heard and granted my pray. wait, pray? no, my tweet.
What? Tweet? The story started with my tweet on the last day of march. In twitterland, we usually do #monthwishes as a hash tag, there we write down our wishes that we really really wish to be happened in the the upcoming month.

And yeah, I did the same thing. bear in mind that I tweeted "I'm going to bed, I hope I can meet a prince in the beginning of April <3". Three days afterward, when I was going to Jakarta for term break, I met a guy who is actually a ticket server in Lion Air office. The ticket had been reserved by phone, I just need to take it in office. When I got there, turned out the office was unattended, none but that guy. After got some complicated drama, I finally succeed to get there. I got my turn. That guy was really nervous, he looked at my eyes deeply, so deep and up to become so twitchy. He repeatedly asked me to have a sit while thereI either was going to sit down! After that awkward moment, we had rambling chit - chit and ended up exchanged number. HAHA, but he certainly asked me first. I came home and we lost contact. I once sent him a message, asking about what he's up to and he sent me message on my birthday. He made a promise to have belated bday celebration and I did too. I promise that he would be the person who will know about my arrival in Spore.

Briefly, the promise has been fulfilled. He was the first person who knew about my arrival. I sent him a text and he said he was so touched reading my text. sounds exaggerated? I think so. HAHA. Turns out, at the same night, he promptly asked me to have a meeting. I had no plan at the moment and I also missed walking around in Singapore so without hesitation I accepted his invitation. We made appointment to meet at City Hall. I had no idea where to go, so finally he decided to go to Orchard, he wanted to have dinner there. Yeah, ayam penyet! HAHAHAHA. There, he never stop making much of compliment of me. He said that I was cute, he loves my eyes, he loves my hair which are so thick and black and yeah, I knew he really meant it. haha.

After having dinner, I thought I would go straightly home but again he asked me to take me around. The night was still young at that moment, I did not mind to come late though so I decided to accept his will. What a surprise, that nite we walked down from Orchard to nowhere (he said just walked into the wind blow) on foot! He never stop talking along the way. Talking about his family, his ex, his friends and so often came across many of his friends by chance as if he was so famous in Spore. He sometimes made fun of me, we made jokes but mostly he talked about himself. To be honest, I didnt pay attention of what he said, I way too enjoyed seeing the downtown beacuse I was so in love the vibe and I hate talkative guy instead. Until unciously we reached Arab Street. Oh my goodness, I walked down from Orchard to Arab street on foot which at the moment I wore my wedges? Yes, that unbelievably happened to me and that awaken me about HOW SMALL SINGAPORE IS!

Surprisingly, for the umpteenth time, he asked me to meet his friends in Arab Street. (oh well, the "LANE" tragedy happened. shitty, I detest that moment. wicked!) and yeah, I finally met his friends. They were half-blood Indonesian man named Syaff and a couple who is married. to be honest, I was really scared and nervous at that moment but thankfully all went smoothly.

However, do you know what happened next? Beyond my expectation Shah told his friends that I was his dating. don't you think it's so WOW? I do think so as I would never think he would doing such that thing on the first day that actually we knew one another!

Briefly, when he finally sent me home, I encouraged myself to make conversation.

Me : "Shah, are we dating?"
Him : " Let we see, If I keep calling you the next days, that means we're dating"

and there was we going, later on he called me routinely. Time passed by until the day when he didn't call me for two days. He's gone without any stable. When it happened, I never stop checking my phone, had a look at it whether there's a message or missed call or not. Turned out, no one. By all means, I somehow felt like I missed here.

Furthermore, when he's gone, I tried to convince my self what exactly I feel about him. Yes, I don't like him because he's way too talkative. I really hate talkative guy. Another reason is because he tends to show off what he's own. He told me what brand he wears, where he usually buy clothes and the bla and the bla and I hate it. For me, don't necessary to tell me about that as first, he's a man; second, I REALLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT.

However, when I surely knew what I feel about him, why I feel kinda like missing him when he wasn't around? It strangely happened to me, guys.. It became SO real.

Turns out, after the day he disappeared for three days, he contacted me again, asked me to have dinner together. on that day, for some reason I immediately was so sure that I did not like him. so in short, I did not reply his sms as my rejection of him. From then, we never get connected again.

I can only hope that he can understand it all. hopefully this is the best for me and certainly also for himself. I'm also crossing fingers that I can get a much better person than him as I believe God has been always hearing my pray.

Feel Strangely

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