Wednesday, March 30, 2011

earth revolves around, kids grow up, some gain weight, I'm getting old because nothing remains the same.

I stumble upon my old folder on my laptop titled March which stored all my photos taken some day in March last year. I looked through all the contents there and was quite surprised when I noticed some changes in myself within one year only. and what's more surprising, it turns out to be regressions in myself due to some reasons. first, gosh, I put on weight a lot. that's so obvious if you compare my cheeks last year and my current cheeks! not even gonna lie, I'm so sad about this and I've been fretting over this since like three months ago. second, I miss my old skin. it seemed to be very soft, maintained and natural albeit it still got pimples. I have pimples even up until now, but I'm getting more realized that my pimples present are worse than before and I'm over sad about this! I shouldn't put make up that much.

other than that, just some change on my hair style. I kept my bangs last year and it looked kinda cute. now I keep it grow and long as I realise I'm turning 20 in less than two months but there are still many people guess my age younger than the real it is and I couldn't be happier if they suppose it up to 3 years younger. however, to be honest, I dont like to keep my bangs long. it makes me look much older than my age and I don't like it. not mentioning that I would also look much chubbier. I've been considering whether or not I should cut my bangs cause I don't wanna regret it when I have my bangs short then I open photos of mine who had long bangs then say to myself "I should keep it!".

well, the thing is, I'm getting more aware of the fact that nothing will remain the same as days will continue to change, time flies, kids grow up, elderly grow old, people come yet some leave and earth will never stop rotating. so thence, I'm not supposed to go reverse the gravity by not willing to get older and change.

here's some photos of mine which was taken in different year, 2010 and 2011.
and these are the 2010 ones which I still looked "okay" with my lovely bangs. oh i kinda miss it!

and these are................... *sigh my recently photos, with my long bangs and chubby cheeks and, dont you think I look so mature? I dislike it actually. nevertheless, again, I'm growing up. I should look much more older than what people have been supposing. oh yes some were edited, only the colors tho.

I will not say anything as regards of these photos but, you, you are always welcome if you wanna comment them thru my formspring.


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