Friday, March 25, 2011

... because everyone is strong in their own way.

I don't mean to praise myself, but many of my friends say that I'm one of those strong and independent girls they have ever known. I'm not so sure why they ever conveyed so but if i could guess perhaps it's because I'm young, I've been through a lot of obstacles in my life and I completely survived.

but.. truth to be told, sometimes i feel tired of being a strong girl. being a girl who manage to get through and solve all issues she has by herself. being a girl who always tries to count on herself although sometimes she can't take it. sometimes, i'm tired of fighting for my conviction. but i just cant give up easily on my desire, on my dreams and my wants because I know nothing we cant reach so long as we strive to get it.

I sometimes cry. I whine. I blame. I dismay. I revile. I grudge. I disappoint. I'm delicate. I'm weak. I'm spoilt. I'm grieved. I'm so far from perfection. but why people say I'm strong? they say it's all because I never easily give up and always attempt to look okay despite I am not. and why do keep doing that? because i always think that there isn't any need for the whole word to know all the bad sides of me, to know my grief, to know my disappointment and to know all my weakness. it's not that I'm fake, it's the way I opt to portray for all of you to see.

it's not wrong to pretend you are happy although some say that people who pretend to be happy are actually the most sad and unstable, so I hear. but, here I stand oppose it. that is totally wrong because, to me, pretending to be happy when you are in pain is just an instance of how strong you are as a person.

being strong is more than being able to keep your head up high and continue on.
being strong means to keep yourself at a level higher than those that are trying to bring you down.
and that's what i always tell to myself in order to keep myself strong.

you don't have to run to chase your goal, just walk slowly but dont stop. don't ever stop. if you are tired, you may take a rest while look back on what you have achieved. make it all as the trigger to keep on walking.

if you got your heart broken, be selfish. eat a lot, go often, do everything wich make yourself happy. you gotta know there are so much more things in life that are worth fighting for. keep calm and run as fast as you can. move on. it's easier said than done, I know. but do try to. life wouldn't wait for you to revolve until you cure the wounds, until you get rid of all memories. life goes on and you have to keep going or you will be left behind.

if you get hurt, that's how you learn. the strongest people out there, the one who laugh the hardest with the genuine smile, those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. because they celebrate their triumph, they don't give up. they've decided they are not going to let anything hold them down. they are showing the world who strong people are like.

i believe, we are all strong. you and I are strong. we are strong in our own way. there's no limit for us not to keep strong as well as no reasons not to be the ones.

by being strong, you indirectly toughen up yourself.
by being strong, people will look up to you
and by being strong you will realise how strong you are due to no other choice but to be strong.

keep yourself at a level much higher than where you're currently standing. be strong or be stronger.


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