Sunday, July 11, 2010

You really got me questioning, was it love or lust?

Tonite, Syaff and I went to Tanjong Beach, Sentosa. Never been there before so I was kinda amazed when I noticed how such a beautiful beach it is. It's so clean and slack, plus, just few people were there. The clouds, the weather, the stars, the universe seemed stick up on my date till it became so perfect.

Well, you must have known what happened between Syaff and I there. we talked a lot, we were making out and I'm getting know him more by then. I think.. he isn't as good as I defined before. He is nice, obviously. He's cute, Tracy admitted it. He is... hemh.. kinda a potential husband, I think so. Yet he is still a jerk.

He doesn't want to get married in his life. He likes to go on dates. He doesn't think about having such a serious relationship recently. He doesn't want to be married to a short girl. He keeps saying that I am not tall. He defines me as a short girl only. He still cares about the height thingy. He is.. he is making fun of me. He only meant to play with and take some pleasure from me.

Me? I like him a lot. If you know me very well, you must have known that I never play games about love. I feel like, I'm kind of hard to fall for someone, yet once I fall for him, it's deep and steady last. I think I'm devoted type of girl and by all means, I deserve someone who's faithful as well and unfortunately Syaff is not listed in.

Well, after all, I keep wondering, how long will this dating last? will there be love between us later? or is this all just going to end up in vain? wait, does love itself even exist between us??

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