Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm like a shell, soft and fragile

It's been a gloomy day, rain is pouring down since morning. Nothing to do but snuggle up in my bed waiting for the sun comes out.

Finally. I eventually slept like a baby last night. Perhaps, it's because my mom and dad made a call with me. We talked a lot, as usual, my beloved dad advised me to be a tough girl and don't be fragile as I currently live alone without family. I'm hit by home sick I guess. When I heard my mom's voice, all of sudden my tears were coming down. shit. hahaha. I just couldn't hold it down. I miss her voice. I talked a lot with mom. She told me about her new business, about my sister and brothers and asked me some things that obviously so lovely. my dad? he knew that I'm now being close with somebody. haha. and he said he's so glad to know that.

My dad and my mom are really longing for me as well. They couldn't stop talking about me all days long, they said. nice :) . They also want to go to Spore soon, insya Allah with Danty Dhika and Demir. (can't wait for this). The crucial one is that they said they never stop to support me all the way. I just need to be concentrate more on school and don't forget to always devout on worship.

I'm so glad, really glad having such a wonderful parents like them. Thank God. I love them so much. I hope you grant my pray to always take care of them and let me give them rewards for their kindness in my whole life.



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