Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's about Sex & The City and Me

when you see me staying up late, having a cup of coffee and sitting nicely on my couch in front of a magical box, I assure you it happens just because one thing, one that always been waited every single night, watching Sex & The City. And tonight, it just happened again. I saw Sex & The City The Movie on HBO Hits while I accidentally found it earlier. Nope, I was indeed seeking for it.

It's been nice, always nice to see those 4-classy-bitches on screen. Since the day I watched it for the first time (it was The Movie, I watched the serials afterwards), I most definitely fall in love with Carrie Bradshaw who is casted by Sarah Jessica Parker. Maybe it was love at the first met, not the first sight cause I really thought her nose and face looked so weird before. But yeah, on Sex & The City, I finally found out why she's able to possess a parfume. She is actually the smartest, the prettiest, the most mischievous, the most fabulous woman I have ever known in my life thus far. Briefly, I've been huge influenced by her. She's exactly the one who inspired me a lot about Love Lesson (I'm bad at it. Ouch, not really actually). She's the nice role model for fashion (who can stand seeing a girl sticking with top brands from head to toe?). Big and her sometimes turned me on when they had they bed time ( It sounds pretty disgusting, for heavens sake) but those were not the point. The point is, I've obsessed to live in New York just because I've been sequencely seeing 4 bitches who have a great story about Love, Life and Labels on a little magic box!

Sex & The City is magic
Sex & The City is fabulous
Sex & The City is terrific
Sex & The City is inspiration
Sex & The City is New York
Sex & The City is Carry
Sex & The City is Miranda
Sex & The City is Samantha
Sex & The City is Charlotte
Sex & The City is ME!

if you think Sex and The City is only about SEX, and you would love to remind me that I'm actually not proper to watch it as I'm still under age, I proudly might say that you are a nerd. Don't judge a movie by its title, bummer. I bet whoever you are, would fall for it since the first time you know it's actually a hot stuff.

I've been watching it like many times, turns out I can remind every single scene and places it took. it has always given me even a lesson to learn started from just a second right after I shut down the tv.

And now, when I'm so overwhelmed about this stuff, it got my nerves. I'm like having a big mirror, where I can see many things there. It's about love, and life, and self, and city.

Love? I'm so not going to writing about this. Skip.
Life? I want to make 'something'
Self? I want to be 'someone'
City? I want to make Spore to be my own New York.

Wait! Scroll up.
Love? I will be seeking for it

Conclusion : I want to make something which automatically will making me to be someone in my own New York which is there, I could possibly find my love. Love to my life, to my self and to my own city.

I'm the new Carrie Bradshaw.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm telling you

When you trust no one to share,
When you feel so hard lifting weight upon your shoulders alone,
When you got loads to say but none come out
When you choose keeping your problem instead of saying it,
When you restrain your emotions out of griefs,
When you pretend to be ok yet you are sure it's fake,
When you feel awful while you're smiling

I assure you to cry

I know, it's heaving.
Words won't help but tears.

And you cry
And you feel a little relieved
And you are not wrong

It's helpful.

Lots of tears

Thursday, May 13, 2010

PMS, do you get lost?

I shouldn't posting this kind of writing, yet I got loads to say but none come out. None to share. No, that's wrong. I have many people to share with but ended up speechless when they are willing to hear my shits. My only thought was just "no, it's confidential".

Yesterday was fabulous. I had a wonderful birthday. Just one word to describe, SUPERB!

Lil bit different with last year, no special treatments from family nor BF (in this case I'm currently single), still, my friends, FB & Twitter made it super special as if I was the princess girl on earth. Well, I'm not gonna telling you any details of it now. I'll be telling you everything about my birthday in time. I surely will. In order to remind "Dinda-in-the-future" of this wonderful new year later, I surely will!

Now.. Just one day after I'm officially 19, I feel so glad despite the fact that PMS hasn't come to me yet. Where the hell on earth is she? Been looking for her lately, almost everyday. This month, she's coming late! I wonder if she get lost. So for those of you who come across with her, bring her back to me.

Don't you dare thinking I'm pregnant. Hark, I'm a holy virgin, FYI. The fear of gaining weight is the main problem! I can stand this constant hunger no more! You know, today I took an hour nap and woke up with massive headache and extra hunger. I can't stop eating. I ate 3 times a day. 3 times? Awesome! I used to eat once a day heeey! 3 times more than I used to.

Moreover, it's getting worse with the fact of uncertain feelings always stick around me. Okay, it's not that bad as while I'm in the middle of PMS, still, I can't take it any longer.

So, wherever in the world you are, Mrs.PMS, I'm begging you come back. Please come to your way like you used to. I'm begging you. I missed polish my nails also (this one is serious, haha). Come in time, but promise me one thing, don't come along with the cramp. Please?

Love you so much,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Me, May 11th, 19th, The Impossible and Miracles

People people, I miss you! I sure hope you do have the same feeling with me. Haven't posted any letters about my life almost for a month, so now it's my turn to tell you everything that have come by my life and filled my days with you all in this spot.

Let's start with one point. Tonight is my new year eve. Yeah as usual 10th May, a day before I start a new day in my new year. Guess, I gotta treasure my last days of being 18, which is literally the most meaningful year of my life, the year where I finally find who I am, what I want and achieve some goals. The best year in my life - so far.

I'm a bit excited welcoming the upcoming year which is coming in less than 8 hours from now on, 19! I don't know why, I like 19. That's not my favorite number, no one could beat 11, its still unbeatable. But when I notice that I'm turning 19, I feel like joy! My auntie said that 19 is the cutest year for young girls and boys, it's likely because 19 is the last year you are being called as teenager, -in my opinion-.

But I'm astonished and overwhelmed about this stage. I would really love to ask my self in the future, 'how does 19 look like? Is that better than 18? '

18, The year where I finally realised that miracles do really exist. I still remember when I celebrated my birthday in state of recovery due to accident in which made my right leg had broken. All I could do was just being patient and willingly accept all the things that happened to me. There were no protests, no feelings such griefs or even disappointment in my self. I tried to accept all that I've been given.

I was welcoming my 18 with quite simple way. I didn't expect too much, I didn't ask for extraordinary things I usually did on my birthday unless some particular wishes like every human sure do. Bear in mind -if I'm not wrong- I just want my 18 goes very well as God let it to be.

No party. Family just came to my house and gathered together. I cut the cake in my crib, with my broken leg. My birthday present? I got Blackberry -my best friend during recovery-, I got a fish eye Lomo Camera from my Ex, 2 birthday cakes from Aldi and Dona, a book "Sex After Dugem" from Dad and the most important thing is God's blessing. He gave me His endless love in for making me endless happier by realising how an accident gives great wisdom afterwards. Full support from all my friends was priceless, my amazing UAN scores was precious, my days afterwards were definitely went so smooth. Those were all beyond my expectation! He just simply love me by simple ways.

The ways of making me being such a luckiest girl has been proved with another story, when I surprisingly moved to Singapore. Never thought, never dreamt and never wondered how He could make it happen. I was starting a new life on a new page, in a new place with new things around, yet, in the same old me.

He sent me a very lovely host family like Bu Sue, Yani and Hakim ; adorable acquaintances like Sue, Kak Nor, Idres and Shah, and another kindly friends who literally love me.

Briefly, I celebrated my 18 with a simple way, without expecting anything much, but it turned out to be the best year of my life - so far.

So apparently, I could do the same thing. Meanwhile I got feeling that 19 is gonna be great, I'm lil afraid that it wouldn't be like I'm expected. Adventure or even trip is quite fun with least expectation and I made it real with my story above. Mm.. Perhaps I'm just afraid of the fact that 19 wouldn't be as great as 18. No no, I should keep believing that whatever the year, it would gonna be great as long as I live it up to the fullest.

However, the funny thing is, the more I realised I'm turning 19, the more I want to stay young. And bad thing is, just couple of days before The Day, I felt so down, so hopeless and seemed like griefs stick around me.

Do you know why it happened to me? Because God actually wants me to know the thing which so-called "Impossibility".
Nevertheless, instead of I openly believing that-is-so-called "Impossibility", I stand strongly and keep believing that "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING".

If you asked me what thing that I currently want more than anything else, I surely will answer "I WANT THE IMPOSSIBLE".
Am I nuts? You are nuts!

Impossibility is real, and for me, as long as it's still real, we could reach it with efforts. But that's not the main thing of all. I believe that Impossibility doesn't exist or perhaps there's no such a thing like Impossibility only because one thing, I believe there's miracle.

The magic of miracle, when impossible comes possible and dreams becoming reality, is real.

So, is that enough of saying that I could reach what I really want? Is that strange facing the truth that miracle even more exist than impossibility? Is that impossible wanting the impossible happens in real life?

Once again, for me, there's no impossibility, miracle is.

Another funny truth regarding miracle, it sometimes comes without and beyond our expectations. Let's make it clear. Ever notice if we surrender to receive the reality with no hope, no beliefs and no pray, the miracle surprisingly happened coming to us? As regards of it, I surely can conclude that miracle beats the the impossible.

Well, after all I got these truth, these realities, I could learn many priceless lessons.

One of them is this one; There comes a time when we should surrender our soul; stop hoping, stop believing, stop praying and just accepting God's will in order to get some miracles which is sent by God as a surprise.
Once you get it, I'm sure, you will definitely feel like the luckiest man on earth and praise Him more than before.

And oh well, what is the relation between my birthday and the impossible? It's obviously related. Bcs I want the impossible happens for real, for my bday present. And once again, God has made it perfectly though it hasn't done yet.

Shout a wonderful "Happy New Year" to me, people. I LOVE YOU, like I love my 18!

Ps: whoever who reads this post, I kindly ask you to drop some comments. It will be well accepted! :) xx

Sunday, May 9, 2010


how's life, people? it's been ages since the last time I posted something here. How's your life btw? I hope is all good.

Well, I'm not gonna tell you anything but some picts. I shot some picts which are most of them is Aldita's. oh well, im in Jakarta right now on account of making some scholarship battle. I'm so tired of these stuffs like seriously and I'm not gonna tell you everything about this point now. however, i promise i will tell you, someday. when i get some mood to share. haha.

okay then, take a look at my photos. I'm not a photographer, i only ike shooting something with my eyes then capture it with lens. don't judge me but any comments will be well accepted.

These photos also be saved on my fb, the album named "Technicolours" in for i play with many colours here. Models are Aldita Namira and Ayu Zahrina, my besties. The dog named.. oh i forgot. haha. and those shoes was mine, i bought that at Bugis. haha okay enough. ENJOYED!

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