Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hey, menurut kamu apa aja yang harus dan ga harus dilakukan di Twitter? kaya aturan gitu

i've said on my prev question, my twitter has no rules. everybody may tweet everything they want to, as much as they need - as long as it still proper to be tweeted. But for my self, i have some rules in tweeting.

1. I dont like using RT too much.

selagi masih bisa jawab pakai Reply, gue selalu berusaha pake itu. gue kurang suka ngeliat timeline gue isinya RT-an dari orang yang lagi ngobrol.
gue ga tau mereka ngobrol apa ko tiba-tiba tanpa juntrungan (?) yang jelas mereka asik ngobrol. that's weird. kecuali kalo RT-an itu buat komentarin tulisan dia, bolehlah sesekali. kalo lo perhatiin, gue jarang bgt ngobrol di RT kecuali berkomentar.
Dan sadarkah kalo kita keseringan pake RT, orang males baca timeline kita. yang ada twit kita yang inti dan yang penting malah ga dibaca karena ketutupan sama twitan kita yg RT itu. so, i better not to use RT too often.

2. Jangan keseringan ngetwit.

Misalnya hanya beda menit aja. Timeline at least would be filled by mine only in a row. thus, people might be think that my only job is just tweeting.

3. Dont get other's timeline dirty with my trashy tweet.

i mean, i always try to tweet something useful. okay, you may share you problems there, or sharing some stories but please try to do that properly. cerita di twitter adalah hal yang wajar banget tapi bisa kan dengan cara yang okay? yang ga hanya jadi sampah yang akhirnya orang yang baca malah "ih apaan sih?".
gue sering cerita heboh di twitter. sering marah2 dan bahagia tapi so far gue selalu berusaha dengan cara yang baik. ga yang ujug-ujug ngetwit "BIASA AJA DONG LO!" or "hahaha bodo" or "apaan sih lo z". itu namanya SAMPAH.
orang ga tau permasalahannya apa, terus tiba-tiba lo marah2x sendiri, pshyco bukan???? gue ga mau dibilang psyco atau tukang nyampah makanya gue selalu berusaha untuk ga gitu :)

4. Tweeting when you needed most.

sekarang gue cuma ngetweet disaat gue perlu. kecuali lagi bosen ya, pasti gue akan tweeting gitu ngeshare cerita. kalo cuma bilang "ih resek" atau "ga jelas lo ah -___-" kayaknya itu ga penting untuk di twit ya?? sebenernya yang ngebuat gue gini adalah si Nona MOUTHFUL. dia bener2x ngebuka mata gue bahwa excessive tweet is so annoying. orang2x malah akan sebel sama lo. sedangkan kalo lo ngetweet aga jarang dan sekalinya ngetweet berpositiv atau menarik, your followers will stay following you.

5. Put something interesting on your tweets.

you may showing off something on your tweet, you may share some stories, you may do anything you like on twitter, but try to make it interesting! put some interesting tweets on your timeline by tweeting some quotes or your wise thought or information or anything interesting to be read. make your followers could take advantage from ur tweet. i think my purpose of twetting is not only for trashing your timeline but im also doing that in order to make my followers happy to have mine :)

that just some of my twitter tricks. according to me, those are more than enough for now :)

Ask me properly

ps: this is a question on my formspring. wanna ask me more? just ask and i'll answer it :)

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