Wednesday, March 17, 2010


ever noticed how many A(s) in your life?
I meant.. how many A, either things or person have surrounded you in your life?

I noticed it, i have so many A(s) in my life.

i ever tweeted once " i love A, i had crush on A(s) but i hate so many A(s) "
when i tweeted those particular words, my mind registered one thought "Why am I surrounded by A(s)?

let me go these straight. i just noticed that I've had so many A(s) either ex-boyfriend(s), friends, things or more over enemies around me. Those A(s) have encircled my self. did you know? most of my ex boyfriends have A as their capital name. let me say, 6 of 9! see? A loved me and i loved A. indeed.

furthermore, there are several people who i hate most and luckily their name starts with A! now you might know how incredible A is!

however, i just can't resist to say A(s) have successfully fallen me down. it's probably sounds so exaggerated but yeah, i realise it well. so in this moment, I'd love to say something to my A(s) in which i couldn't tell directly to themselves for some reasons.

did you know A? i loved you. i was so in love with you. i gotta say you were good enough and i felt glad when i had you around. you are one of my bests, unfortunately you have changed. your current girlfriend has made you changing. i feel so awful of this.

did you know A? you were the first boy who touched my hand! none had done that but you! you were the one who i trusted to repair my broken heart after almost 9 months being single. awfully you broke your promises. i caught you lied, hang out with your ex slightly in my eyes.

did you know A? for no reasons i thought you were my biggest mistake. yes, you made me lost my bestfriend. you made me hard to acknowledge that love is sweet. you made it clear that your exgirlfriend is still irreplaceable when i caught your messages on fb. you made me hopeless to believe faithfulness does exist.

did you know A? you were the first foreign boy that I've fallen in love with. you were sweet and smart indeed. i never knew you could play an hard game with me when you didn't appear for awhile and suddenly came with another girl. thankfully, i haven't fallen too far. you are such a bastard.

did you know A? i hate you. you do as you please. you behave as if you are the smartest of all. you might start to speak and present yourself in such a way that there is no mistaking on your views and opinions are. but wanna know a thing? you proof nothing. you are smart indeed but not the smartest. do not ever estimate others, you look stupid when you do that. and one more, TALK & WRITE LESS, DO MORE.

did you know A? i never knew you are that talkative. thanks to Twitter, it shows me how mouthful, how excessive, how chatter box you are. i know you envy me MUCH, don't you? admit it. and i know you are covered by lies. I'm not that stupid, lil girl. you make a fool of your self. haha, you made me got my nerves when i read your bullshit tweets. you think you are his best? you WERE. you think you could play with his heart? you made it, cause you are a damn mean girl. you think i care much about you? na'ah, dont get me wrong. you are totally wrong. even later you could successfully make your dreams alive, you couldn't make me envy you. if you went to America, you could probably make me envy you. gleefully, you don't wanna make it, right? listen up sweety, don't make any competition between us. seriously that's a silly act. i don't wanna compete with you only for one reason, you are not kind of my competitor. and one rule for you, TALK LESS PROOF MORE.
(and now you really prove me that you really are mouthful)

did you know A? i loved you, actually i still do. you are the best man i ever knew. you are shadow over my head. you are the one that i love and you WERE my everything. i probably might say, I'm stuck on you. as it seems i trapped in the past, i just cant move on. thanks for making me realized that loving someone is much better than being in loved. thanks for thousands love stories that we made. thanks for a lovely family that i always adore. thanks for breaking up for no reasons. and thanks for making me feeling so in love, complicated, awkward and hate with A.

hoping no more A

ps: i talked to different A(s) person. not only one.

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