Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shah - Syafira - Syaff

In this post, I'll tell you the story how I got to meet Syaff. Perhaps, this sounds so much charade, or just let's say too novel, but no dear.. This is the true story. True story that happened in my real life which sometimes gave me a frown.

Actually, you can know my introduction with Syaff from one of my posting titled "Are We Dating?". There, I wrote about my meeting with Shah, the guy who I encountered when I was buying a tix to Jakarta or the guy who so will I call "the guy that I used to date". Well, I don't think I ever dated him since I think what happened between Shah and I that nite was only going out due to I slowly went away as my rejection towards him. Nothing special happened between us. No romance, we didn't even hold our hands and we didn't get along afterwards. But then, because of he told his friends that he wanted to be serious with me and he said he liked me alot, so his friends recognized me as his dating.

In a nut shell, I rejected him. I came to the idea to add Syaff thru Shah's facebook. I made it to add him and he sent me a massage right after he approved me. We were chatting until we finally decided to date and still carry on until now. Truth to be told, I've been interested in him since the beginning. If I compare Shah with Syaff, I think I will pick Syaff since beginning, Hehe.. Why? Because he's counted as my type. I like his body, bulky body. He's tall, of course taller than Shah, I like his style that nite and I also like him because he wears spects! nonsense? whatever.. Hehe.

Apparently, things weren't going as easy as I thought. In order to date with him who is Shah's best friend, I sort of had to get permission from his group fellows, The Snigles since they both are in. Many argues and many disagrees as if this issue is so debatable.

Anyways, I finally met Shah's at Wann's place when I was having iftar together with The Snigles. There was the first time I met him since the last we went out. I got shocked when Syaff told me Syaff came along. He looked at me with odd narrowed eyes, like telling "I can't believe you guys are really dating". So yeah, there were we, Shah - Syafira - Syaff together for the first time. I tried so hard to control my self. All I could do was looking down shyly until Shah walked next to me and started to make a small talk to break the ice. I know now he have a girlfriend right two weeks after we went out, so I picked it as my topic. I forgot any how it was but then Shah brought up our story. I still remember what he said.

"Actually, this is hard for me. Hard, Dinda, hard. But.. the past is the past. I'm happy if you are happy"

In God's name, I was so shocked that time. Syaff was far walking ahead of me. I didnt know what to say.. All I said was.. "Sorry Shah, I never meant to..". Sounds lame, I know. whatever.

We gathered together at Wann's, enjoyed her meals which were nice. Seriously, I think all the people there were also shocked when they saw us together. Once again, I tried so hard to take it for granted. That also happened because I was having a period torture which was so painful. Caught a moment when I was groaning in pain, Shah looked at me and he was like giving a full attention to me in front of others. What the hell? She made me rigid pale!! But once again, I smoothly ignored him.

After that day, Syaff told me that when Shah and Neneh were having a ciggy break, Shah told Neneh who I am. He said like "You know the girl that with Syaff now? She's my ex dating. When I was with her, she always said she's too busy to go with me .but see? now she can go out with Syaff?". Luckily Neneh reacted like "It's just a bluff. She's not interested in you".

I didn't tell Syaff about what Shah was telling me about, but then I think Syaff needs to know about this as of I made it to tell him. He was fine and cool about that. He even recounted me about the nite when he first met me. He said, he didn't expect he would be likeing me since I'm short. However, when we were sitting together and I talked about a lots of thing, he found it I'm so interesting. First, because I'm able to speak in English. Second, because I looked cute and it somewhat reminded him of his ex (this one sucks!) . I remember me and Shah went home earlier than others. There he said he was like "ah man, don't let her go please.. I want to know more about this girl!". Hahaha.. what a nice confession!!

Later on, he still thought of myself. he was so curious about me. In order to quest his thirst, he searched my facebook and successfully found me. You know what he was thinking about? He should date me! He told me exactly like this "I think I should date her. She can speak English, she seems to be interesting" HAHA, boy I know you like me from the start! admit it!!

It turns out fact gives the reality in which we are finally together. I should thank to Shah, without him I will never meet Syaff. But I also should ask for forgiveness for indirectly hurt him. He should know that I never meant to ditch him, I just feel couldnt get along with him. And for Syaff, I know I still have many pieces of paper of which he will likely still be written there.

This is not a love-triangle, I think this is just a fabulous accident. Or.. can I just take this as a fate?


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