Wednesday, July 28, 2010

another date, another story

today was such a lil bit weird day. first, I had lunch at Bugis and shared table with an-old-fvking man who was insisting on flirting to me. hell yeah, I felt like throwing my plate toward his face. second, the MRT captain waved at me when I was about to aboard the train. gross.

Other than that, today was another "awesome date" that I have with him. As always, he who likes to go to Esplanade asked me to go there to watch concert. again and again (actually it's only been twice. hehe) Oh well, last nite he called me for nearly one hour after long-time-didn't-phone. Dozen of sillyness we made, such as I asked him to sing and ngaji for me and he really did it. HAHA. then.. I also said that I'd love to try to take the bus with him because I think it's gonna be romansome (romantic + awesome). You know right, bus in singapore is quite decent. You possibly fall asleep there. I mean, if we are comparing to bus in Indonesia, I can say here is pretty much better. Doesn't mean to insult my own country but it really is.

So there I was, Esplanade to meet him. We made appointment at 6 and I reached there before six. I couldn't find him so I went to toilet first. Finished, then I saw him sitting nicely with his iphone. I sat right next to him and he didn't even great me for almost 15 minutes. I was such a dumb, sitting next to him while he was busy with his iphone listening to the music and pretending as if none was sitting by him. Until finally he sms-ed me while he was playing with his phone, "so u dun wanna say hi first huh? u r the one who's late". NO NO NO NO! I didn't want to say hi first bcs I was the one who came first!ly I'm a stubborn if I know that I am right. So, he eventually greeted me first. We broke the ice! hehe

I dunno if there's special occasion today but there were so many people in Esplanade. We don't like crowds. So.. after waiting for half and an hour, we decided to go out of concert hall. Dumby. Haha. We went to the rooftop of Esplanade which is I've never been there before. Oh heaven, turns out that's awesome! You can see Marina Park from there!!! We sat for a while there. I asked him whether he had dinner with the Snigles today or not, ended up he cajoled me to have dinner with them.

Oh no!! Means, I got to meet Wann and Suhaimi again. I've met them previously yet when I was dating with Shah you know! So today I met him with another guy who is Shah's friend!! HAH! chilled, I ensured my self that I really gotta meet them bcs it would be happen sooner or later. Finally, I had really met them, we had dinner at the food court first . There, I quoted one of Wann's word. She was telling us about her stiry with Suhaimi. (well, Wann's story is lil bit similar to mine of which she's ex of Suhaimi best friend before the got married). If I'm not mistaken, it was like "yeah, I know that you don't like me at first! You just put a pity on me! From pity than turned into liking and from liking it finally became love". When I heard that, I was kinda amazed. I saw Syaff, he was like amazed as well. you know why? because it seems like that words really represents us. hemjh ok, forget it.

Finished for dinner, we moved and were chilling out at Starbucks. I BROKE THE ICE! Turns out, Wann and Neneh are nuts over the bag, like me. SO we talked a lot about bag there. Also, they insinuated me with the words "frying chicken" hehehe.

After about two hours hung out at Starbucks, he sent me home and we did took the bus! HURRAY!! Well, why do I seem so happy? because I like to take the bus! actually I prefer take the bus to train if I'm not in hurry. Because if you take the bus, you can see the downtown. So there we were, in the bus. We talked and laughed a lot., he hugged me tightly we sang together, and I assisted him to peel his sprue. Syaff is having sprue. So sad of him :(

So, done for today. It was just a simple date tho, but as long as I'm with him, it could so romansome. at least, for me. Plus somehow, I have a feeling that he starts to like me. He has a feeling for me even if just 10%. I can feel it from the way he hugs me. another point, Wann said this to me before we seperated "Gud bye Dinda, you should hang out with us more often!". I'm happy, means, snigles starts to accept me. Thanks for tonite, Syaff. Hope to meet you as soon as possible.

Ps: Syaff has got a new postition in his office. he's now is a IT exscutive! he gave me his name card. oh I'm such a proudy girlfriend -ups- dating!


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