Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Insomnia Angel


Insomnia has back to my life. As i have a new "baby", now my bedtime decrease sharply. i currently sleep around 4 am and waking up at 2 pm moreover 2.30 pm. what a mess.


i must confess, this "baby" is quite tickle. I'm pleased to take good care of this "baby". if you think this "baby" is a human, you are totally wrong. it is NOT a human, it is a thing or exactly a spot. A spot with zillion smart people inside who live with their own weapons in which could make you addicted to come and hold there.

Whatso-fucking-ever for any evidences, now my only wish is just i could get rid of this insomnia.

I'd love to chase Insomnia Angel to tell her that she SHOULD revoke my name from Insomniacs list. i hate being insomnia.

but then.. i imagined if i successfully met her.
the fact could probably like this :

Me : dear Insomnia Angel.. with all due respect, I'm begging you to throw down my insomnia, i don't wanna be an owl.

Angel : what is your name, sweety?

Me : Dinda Syafira Zein

Angel : (checking her list) Dear, why are you begging to me? I never jot down your name on my list, dear. Never..

Me : But... but i can't sleep properly. I currently feel sleepy around 3 am, it has happened in 5 days in a row. it screw up my days..

Angel : Mmm.. let me check once more. (checking her list) Dear, i am pretty sure, there's no name like yours on my list. you are probably wrong.

Me : But the fact says so.. whom else should i complain but you?

Angel : Okay, i bear a hand for you. Now, force your self to remember any kind of food you've ever eaten from 5 days ago.

Me : Soup, sandwich, lemon tea, coffee, fruit..

Angel : Stop! it's obvious. Coffee, stop drinking coffee dear. that is the main cause of your insomnia.

Me : I can't. i love coffee! coffee is kind of thing that i can't get rid of!

Angel : But you hate insomnia, right?

Me : (nodded my head)

Angel : Dinda my dear.. Life is full of options. You may only choose one, follow your lust
and you would be tormented living in Night Life or get rid of coffee and you would be happy enjoying your days in Fairyland. Night Life is cruel, especially for you dear. i suggest you choose the second ones, it is much better.

Me : but I don't live in Night Life, I just awake at night due to that shitty Insomnia.

Angel : hahahaha, That's the same. Insomnia is caused by coffee and due to Insomnia you're forced to live in Night Life. Living in Night Life means you're reversing your world. nights become days and days become nights. That's not the nature of life!

Me : (silent)

Angel : Dear, sorry i'm in hurry.. I must go. Is this clear
sweety? Any questions?

Me : (shook a head)

The angel immediately left me after i thanked and apologized for this mistakenness.

Maybe if that's really happening in my life, i could honestly say i was not satisfied. this is kind of injustice. she is still be responsible for this case.

should i stop drinking coffee and edge away my "baby"?

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