Sunday, April 1, 2012


Hey. Yeah it's been awhile. I miss writing. Well to start this post, I think I'd tell you what I've been up and happening when I was away. Nothing much actually. February didn't give me any surprise. Oh there was one! It's finally revealed. His current date. But I think it's no big deal. You know, aint nothing better than knowing someone who dumped you eventually settles with someone who's not even remotely better than ourselves. You know that? Yes I got that feeling. Uncertain whether it was a relief but well, life goes on I guess. Sooner or later it will happen because that's the way it is. It's just bound to happen amongst lover. Fall in love, get hurt and move on.

I pretty much can tell, I've moved on. I've walked far from the point I used to get stuck at because I chose to. Once again, life goes on and time will never wait. I don't want to waste a tad bit second for something that's not worth doing. Having said that, I can say, it's not that smooth. Along the way, I've met several guys. However, nothing seems to be the "one". As usual, they come and go as they like.

On a related news, I recently met this one guy whom I know from internet. Yeah typical. These days, we find everything on the internet. But with this guy though, albeit it's just been going for a short time, it feels different.

I like him? Yes. He's intelligent. He's smart. I'm attracted to him although never once I see his photo clearly. He knows how to treat me. He treats me like a lady. We talk along. We admit that we can get along JUST fine.

HOWEVER, I don't think we'll be going far. By today, which is the 4th day, I feel something weird already.

I look for him when he's not around. I miss him. I get used to his presence by the second day. We talk on the phone. We chat a lot. But tonite, something is just bound to happen. I'm not sure what it is but it feels wrong.

Should I follow my intuition? If so, I can pretty much say, in time, I'll be disappointed and broken hearted again.

Oh life, you seem to force me to make another lemon tea from your lemons.

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